Black Sheep, “Gifted”

Black Sheep “Gifted,” Photographic essay staged at Oakland Museum of California. The event was documented in a series of photographs that follow the sheep through the museum grounds. Stopping along the way to examine the outdoor sculptures. As the series progresses the sheep becomes more comfortable in its new surroundings and begins to take on a life of its own. In the final frames it appears to walk through a pile of steel beams. The sheep glancing back to the artist acknowledges that this is the place to be left, and “Gifted.” “Sheep roving,” fine hairs of rusted steel wool that fell from the sheep that day, are memorialized in a specimen jar.

Clay Explorations

Raw hand dug local clays: a spore bursting with pigment - an installation, mixed with straw and covered in porcelain slip - large cubes of clay covered in porcelain slip, encaustic wax, clay pigments and petroleum jelly.